Let's see......Turkey day dinner was pretty uneventful. I think I eat more on thanksgiving then I do in two or three days any other time. I slept in, cleaned the house, did laundry and rearranged my living room today. Nope nothing overly exciting.......sorry.
Any one know what they are doing for new years already?
Any one know what they are doing for new years already?
I need a new entertainment center..mine is bowing from the weight of the tv. and it's old. some day though...
well that cd is just a various artists kind of cd. but I like it. kinda like a chinese buffet.( my fave!)
WHAT?! damn your ex-roommate! that sucks!
I wish I had an Idea of what to do on new years, but I have no clue. Me and my boyfriend try to get out and do things but we always end up staying in cause were both antisocial...
Just for once I want to go out and do something, but also being only 20 doesn't help either cause a majority of places have alcholo *sighs*