So this week #BLOGHOMEWORK is about the always famous "three wishes" and what would you ask!
This topic, I think, is a dream come true for many. So many people have dream days and nights to get that one thing that it cant get reach! This topic is quite tricky! Is a tough one to write about but whatever, is fun to dream about it! ;D
For my 1st wish: i wish to know the truth!
I've thought about it and it will be pretty cool to know the way... in all sense of the word. To know if someone is lying to you, if the alchemy is really nonsense or not (i'm deeply into it in case you didn't knew haha) how the pyramids where built, what are really the illuminati doing with all that power, if Atlantis ever existed (i love that tail, seriously i dream with it) and more important which is the right way to know the God(s) and respect their wishes. But i just talking about the good stuff and like uncle Ben once said: a great power come with big pants, so i take as my duty to share all that i'll learn with this wicked gift! The bad stuff also includes that it can also be really heavy because sometimes we can handle the truth about some things and well that will be the tough part :/
For my 2nd wish: I wish to control time.
I don't know what to say about this one, is pretty huge the amount of uses that i can give to it! I thought about the power to see the future but if you control time itself you don't have to worry about the future no more, and well that sounds cool! if you think about it, i only wish for things that i can't achieve no matter how hard i try, i don't wish for money, or immortality (that one sounds a bit sad) i really like my wishes so far haha! I'm enjoying this blog quite a bit!
And for my 3rd & final wish: I obviously wish the freedom of my genie who granted me this precious gifts!
(always be grateful for you what you get, even when you don't think that you have a way to pay back)
Thanks to @missy @rambo & @lyxzen for leaving this week's homework, I've a great time doing it. B
Let me know what you think about my three wishes, but what i really wanna know is what you guys want!
What would you guys ask for if you get the magical three wishes?