So this is a first for me. As far as just saying this. All women deserve to be treated like princesses. If your guy can't treat you that way find a new one. I guarantee there are a ton of men or even women whichever way you swing that will treat you the way you deserve to be treated. They will make everyday special and do there damnedest to make sure that everyday is special even if it is in little ways like a flower on the pillow. Or even a dozen roses spread in the bathtub for you to sit and relax in it.
He or she will massage your body not just try to have sex with you. I mean massage as in make sure you're relaxed and comfortable and can sleep if that's what you want to do. They will remember your birthday and go out of there way to make sure the present is something you have wanted or told them about at least a dozen times.
The anniversary will be something so special that the man or woman might take you on a road trip to the place you first met. Just to show you how much they care, and how special you're in there life. If the man or woman you're with can't do that find someone else, because simply put you deserve better. Even if money is an issue which for some people it is. It doesn't take much to make a day special. So tell all those lazy fucks that say we don't have the money. They are full of shit and you can find a real man or woman that will do special things for you. Make you feel like you're number one not number two. As well to all those who have felt like a number two in their lives. From me personally I am sorry you ever felt that way. Remember you deserve to be a number one and fuck all those bitches that think you should be treated like a number two.