It was hard to see my daughter for the first time since she was born. My x gave her up to a family that her mother knew. Well the short version to this story is I had no say in what happened and didn't even know she was being given up for adoption. The other day I finally got to meet her for the first time in ten years. She was told I was her father. Which was great, but the look she gave me wasn't so great. It was like the look you might give someone you wanna stab in the face with a skill saw. Which I can understand she doesn't know the whole story, and she's on good terms with her mother because she was aloud to visit her whenever she wanted.
I could tell her the truth of her mother, but that wouldn't solve anything I just hope the relationship we have will get better. She also got to meet her grandparents which was great because she loved meeting her grand mother. She also got to hear a bit about her uncle, and she wanted to meet him so for the first time in six years I went to the cemetery where he is buried so she could see where he is buried. It was a really hard day. At least now though she kind of knows she has a father that loves her, and if she needs anything I will do my best to help her.