I've never felt like I've been cheated so much as I do right now. I know, boring hockey, but I'm choked. My team(bantam aged 13-14) worked so hard all year to be in the position to go to a provincial final and then to have that taken away from them by a ref. I'm not one to complain about ref's after the fact, if you didn't win it's because you didn't work hard enough, you can't blame the ref. But we worked so hard and this idiot just took it away, missed calls, phantom penalties, and over all one sidedness. It was amazing. I shouldn't complain but the kids on my team were just heartbroken and they knew they had given their all to have it taken away by a homer ref, really sucks.
There's definetly a lesson to be learned and these boys learned it the hard way, but I think it'll make them better people in the long run. I don't know, I'm choked and rambling....
There's definetly a lesson to be learned and these boys learned it the hard way, but I think it'll make them better people in the long run. I don't know, I'm choked and rambling....

sorry bout the damn ref
some bastards need glasses lol
[Edited on Mar 11, 2004 11:40PM]