Crazy, crazy weekend. Saw Gob at SFU on Friday night and was presently suprised by them. Not the hugest Gob fan, but they never dissapoint. Always a great show. Saturday was my brother's wedding reception. Funny that they had one since they got married in Vegas by Elvis so they wouldn't have to worry about all the wedding hoopla, but it was a good time. Saw family I haven't seen in years and met new family for the first time.
More Blogs
Tuesday Feb 03, 2004
Was in a desktop making mood the last couple nights, so I made them f… -
Friday Jan 30, 2004
Coheed & Cambria was on Jimmy Kimmell tonight, sound was horrible but… -
Thursday Jan 29, 2004
well, not much interesting in the last few days. started a business w… -
Wednesday Jan 28, 2004
Saw Pretty Girls Make Graves on Saturday night, they freakin rule, wh… -
Thursday Jan 22, 2004
Crazy, crazy night. My old band, The Retreads just reformed and tonig… -
Wednesday Jan 21, 2004
Crazy, it's now 1:11AM PST and i've been up since 6:15 AM and I'm not… -
Sunday Jan 18, 2004
Crazy, crazy weekend. Saw Gob at SFU on Friday night and was presentl… -
Friday Jan 16, 2004
Oh yeah! Rob Retread is back and ready to party! Damn, I missed this …