A week ago, I went to a strip club I like. Living in Portland, OR is nice for that; there is usually at least one fairly close. Talking to this nice, gorgeous lady (the bartender, not a dancer, however this particular bartender did used to dance at the club) the conversation went to why I tend to be quiet, unless properly lubricated with alcohol. Well,...
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As an introvert, you think it would be easier for me to meet and talk to people on the web, but unfortunately that does not seem to be the case. I honestly don't think my life is that interesting. I have no close friends, I don't go out much, I have never dated or had a girlfriend, and right now the progress of my career...
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I need a new digital camera. I have started to draw and paint seriously again, and a better camera would show my work better online. More artwork to come, promise.

Good move back

I broke my arm in June (a humerus distal fracture, to be exact).
Fortunately, it didn't require surgery.
Now that I've graduated, I'm looking for work.
And, my goal for the year by next summer is to start publishing some writing.
It looks to be a long year.

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Nothing else to interest or engage.

thank you very much for the time, support, comments and love on my new set.
kisses and hugs!