I turned 33 a few days ago. That was ok.
I've not been blogging much, life has been a bit busy as of late. It's kind of pesky in a way. I much prefer to have a lot of free time, with little bits to do now and then.
Oh. I also quit smoking. It's been 6 days. Some people would say 'big deal, 6 days is nothing.' - those people I want to punch in the throat. 6 days for me is the same as if I climbed Mt. Everest.
I also started keeping a journal again. It's weird. I'm kind of writing in it as if I was writing a book. But I write about things in my head to get them out of my head. But instead of just writing shit like 'I am sad.' or 'I fell in love with a girl'... I kind of sass it up a bit and make it more interesting.
Anyway. Yeah. That's that, Mattress Man.

I've not been blogging much, life has been a bit busy as of late. It's kind of pesky in a way. I much prefer to have a lot of free time, with little bits to do now and then.
Oh. I also quit smoking. It's been 6 days. Some people would say 'big deal, 6 days is nothing.' - those people I want to punch in the throat. 6 days for me is the same as if I climbed Mt. Everest.
I also started keeping a journal again. It's weird. I'm kind of writing in it as if I was writing a book. But I write about things in my head to get them out of my head. But instead of just writing shit like 'I am sad.' or 'I fell in love with a girl'... I kind of sass it up a bit and make it more interesting.
Anyway. Yeah. That's that, Mattress Man.

Contracts on day 6
Tomorrow will be a week!

congrats* (my phone auto- corrects, incorrectly)