Fuck yeah photo-walks!
I got to go on an unplanned completely impromptu photo-walk today in East Van. Bought stuff at Tierra del Sol. Had coffee. Visited an antique store. Came home full of Belgian Fries and a very light wallet (*cries*)
I only got a few photos, but I'm happy I got anything really.
*Edit - hmm, looks like the site cut off a portion of my photos. Clicky for larger versions.

Triforce win? by Robot Rogue, on Flickr

I really do by Robot Rogue, on Flickr

Unicorn "306" by Robot Rogue, on Flickr
And my new piece of shelf fodder:

I got to go on an unplanned completely impromptu photo-walk today in East Van. Bought stuff at Tierra del Sol. Had coffee. Visited an antique store. Came home full of Belgian Fries and a very light wallet (*cries*)
I only got a few photos, but I'm happy I got anything really.

*Edit - hmm, looks like the site cut off a portion of my photos. Clicky for larger versions.

Triforce win? by Robot Rogue, on Flickr

I really do by Robot Rogue, on Flickr

Unicorn "306" by Robot Rogue, on Flickr
And my new piece of shelf fodder:

Haha, and yes.. that we are. :]