Sometimes I Just Don't Know What I'm Doing...
Usually once a year I get to a point where I have sort of a reflective moment on what the hell I'm doing with myself / my life / etc.
I guess in this case, it's not all that different. I have more "wants" than "needs", I'm questioning my career path, having ideas of completely changing my life, getting freaked out about the idea, and slapping myself back into sense.
Like in this case, I want to drop my career in "Information Technology" and pursue a career in photography, or possibly something in media/film... ALSO I want to buy a home. ALSO I want to tour the world for a year... so many things to want, and a pretty steep wall to achieve those things.
I suppose this stuff kind of bums me out, but it's good to want something different, or good to have goals yea?
Oh, and its another Christmas as a single guy... 3 years in a row now. Not sure how I feel about that. Part of me is not as jazzed about it but...
Anywho, follow me on Twitter or add me on Facebook
I like new people.
Usually once a year I get to a point where I have sort of a reflective moment on what the hell I'm doing with myself / my life / etc.
I guess in this case, it's not all that different. I have more "wants" than "needs", I'm questioning my career path, having ideas of completely changing my life, getting freaked out about the idea, and slapping myself back into sense.
Like in this case, I want to drop my career in "Information Technology" and pursue a career in photography, or possibly something in media/film... ALSO I want to buy a home. ALSO I want to tour the world for a year... so many things to want, and a pretty steep wall to achieve those things.
I suppose this stuff kind of bums me out, but it's good to want something different, or good to have goals yea?
Oh, and its another Christmas as a single guy... 3 years in a row now. Not sure how I feel about that. Part of me is not as jazzed about it but...
Anywho, follow me on Twitter or add me on Facebook