while i was away, everything changed.
it was four months ago today that i rebooted my life. i got out of my hellish long distance nightmare and met jocelyn. immediately i knew i had found someone completely amazing, so brilliant and sweet and truly capable of anything. she and i are perfect for each other. the way we connect is almost eerie. this has definitely been the best four months of my life.
in other news, my daughter has been experimenting with vulgarity as humor, so today she and i were going back and forth:
Me: i'm going to beat you up.
Her: i'm going to Kill you.
Me: Well i'm going to kill you Twice.
Her: oh yeah? well i'm gonna FUCK YOU.
this was followed by a discussion about inappropriate things to say to pretty much anyone.
one of my classmates at my martial arts studio dislocated his elbow while sparring. he tried to post instead of roll when being thrown. not so wise. jocelyn got a video of it. if you go frame by frame you can see when his arm bends in a very, very wrong direction.
some images:
my ladies.

this is called parenting.

jocelyn does aerial fabrics. she's sort of fucking incredible.

she does hula hooping too. you know, with all the amazing tricks and such. yeah. and she's smarter than me. and so very, very nice.
i'm pretty convinced she's either a hallucination, or a robot trying to seduce my secrets away.
it was four months ago today that i rebooted my life. i got out of my hellish long distance nightmare and met jocelyn. immediately i knew i had found someone completely amazing, so brilliant and sweet and truly capable of anything. she and i are perfect for each other. the way we connect is almost eerie. this has definitely been the best four months of my life.
in other news, my daughter has been experimenting with vulgarity as humor, so today she and i were going back and forth:
Me: i'm going to beat you up.
Her: i'm going to Kill you.
Me: Well i'm going to kill you Twice.
Her: oh yeah? well i'm gonna FUCK YOU.
this was followed by a discussion about inappropriate things to say to pretty much anyone.
one of my classmates at my martial arts studio dislocated his elbow while sparring. he tried to post instead of roll when being thrown. not so wise. jocelyn got a video of it. if you go frame by frame you can see when his arm bends in a very, very wrong direction.
some images:
my ladies.

this is called parenting.

jocelyn does aerial fabrics. she's sort of fucking incredible.

she does hula hooping too. you know, with all the amazing tricks and such. yeah. and she's smarter than me. and so very, very nice.
i'm pretty convinced she's either a hallucination, or a robot trying to seduce my secrets away.
i'm so happy for you!! loving the conversation w your daughter as well. sounds like something that NEVER would have happened or been addressed with my parents which in some weird way makes me jealous of your daughter for having such a cool dad.