i'm done being your dark secret
i'm done being around when you fall apart
i'm done being there when it's convenient for you
i'm done hurting and trying to make you open your eyes
i still hope that you find happiness
though i really doubt you will
i hope you don't regret all this
but i'm certain that will happen
i wish that things had been so different
and they could have if you tried
if you weren't so weak
if you weren't so terrified
if you really had a spine
do you know how bad you were to me?
do you know how often i hurt because of you?
do you really understand everything i gave up for you?
of course not.
good luck, kitten
i'm certain you will need it.
and when i say it this time
there is no quiver in my voice
there is no foolish hope
no loop hole or exceptions
no secret "please come back to me"s
p.s. mitch: get a fucking hobby.
i'm done being around when you fall apart
i'm done being there when it's convenient for you
i'm done hurting and trying to make you open your eyes
i still hope that you find happiness
though i really doubt you will
i hope you don't regret all this
but i'm certain that will happen
i wish that things had been so different
and they could have if you tried
if you weren't so weak
if you weren't so terrified
if you really had a spine
do you know how bad you were to me?
do you know how often i hurt because of you?
do you really understand everything i gave up for you?
of course not.
good luck, kitten
i'm certain you will need it.
and when i say it this time
there is no quiver in my voice
there is no foolish hope
no loop hole or exceptions
no secret "please come back to me"s
p.s. mitch: get a fucking hobby.
i could have used similar words with a few people myself in recent months...