you lie beneath a freezing sheet
that to your form attaches
as my eyes, burning, hunting ache
for brief glimpses and snatches
the sky is falling down, my love
it's raining rakes and axes
my will, my wall is trembling
to the point where it collapses
i'm a wicker duck my love
and you are burning matches
i long to press against you now
and see if fire catches
that to your form attaches
as my eyes, burning, hunting ache
for brief glimpses and snatches
the sky is falling down, my love
it's raining rakes and axes
my will, my wall is trembling
to the point where it collapses
i'm a wicker duck my love
and you are burning matches
i long to press against you now
and see if fire catches
haha miss u
i can't find it but when i do i'm going to wait until you're in chat to power it up and go over the missed texts with you to intensify the guilt. get well soon.