want to discover a new level of discomfort?
Take a foam rubber panda shaped coffin and wiggle your way inside, all the while ignoring your mounting claustrophobia and the cold sweat pooled in the finger and coating the inside of the arms. pin the whole thing in place, really letting your claustrophobia KNOW that you're trapped in this suffocating thing. add a huge helmet with two tiny eye holes up by your hairline and a breathing hole down by your chin. that's right. at this point you should be breathing through your beard and completely blind. you should also already be sweating like you're in a sauna.
Take a foam rubber panda shaped coffin and wiggle your way inside, all the while ignoring your mounting claustrophobia and the cold sweat pooled in the finger and coating the inside of the arms. pin the whole thing in place, really letting your claustrophobia KNOW that you're trapped in this suffocating thing. add a huge helmet with two tiny eye holes up by your hairline and a breathing hole down by your chin. that's right. at this point you should be breathing through your beard and completely blind. you should also already be sweating like you're in a sauna.
Now do martial arts, hug and high five children that you cannot see, stumble around with a skating guard guy, and for some fucking reason do the hokey pokey and the chicken dance. by this point you should be panting like you've been running up a hill.
now do this three times.
i was so dehydrated by the end of the whole thing that i just went to bed at 8. i was completely done. don't get me wrong, i enjoyed the whole thing in some way, but FUCK was that a lot of work. The guys who do this for a living must be as hard as fucking marines. and as for furries, i am now certain those dudes are fucking insane.
"sexual harassment... panda"