Saturday Aug 13, 2005 Aug 13, 2005 0 Facebook Tweet Email I realize I don't miss LA...I miss getting trashed with my friends from LA. although the high altitude would be nice there. socalsk1nhead: -Haha you're missed too. FTL means "For The Lose" or "For The Loss" Kind of like the opposite of, "Man Jack in the Box is soooo good! Seasoned curly fries FTW! (For The Win)" Aug 13, 2005 hethral: You know, an ugly person being in a movie is a pretty silly reason not to see it. Her being a horrible actress, now that's a good reason Aug 13, 2005
FTL means "For The Lose" or "For The Loss"
Kind of like the opposite of, "Man Jack in the Box is soooo good! Seasoned curly fries FTW! (For The Win)"