I just got home from work... I am beat. Tonite we had a chocolate beer dinner there. The worst part about doing these beer dinners is that I end up doing alot of the work, and get tipped out the same as everyone else. I then end up going home with less money then I usually do on that day, after working so hard. ugh
My body hurts.
Also, why does it seem that when you work at a bar you have to have some interbar relationship... or some other big rumour about yourself. I swear I am the only on there who just goes home after hes done.
My body hurts.
Also, why does it seem that when you work at a bar you have to have some interbar relationship... or some other big rumour about yourself. I swear I am the only on there who just goes home after hes done.
monks is a swanky fuckin place. never really had the bread to go there. i usually just hit the glinch or locust. maybe ill save up for when cereal and kim come down. itll be an sg dinner party. dont worry. i tip nice. and those who dont suck.
from liverpool to toronto is only about 3 1/2 to 4 hours. not too bad a drive. I've done a lot longer in one day before. the only difference is going to canada you have to do that wonderful inspection thing. luckily, we didn't have any trouble at all. just your routine "pop the trunk."