Im glad that I ate my chocolate mushroom on tuesday, the weather has been absolutley atrocious since that time. It was a beautiful sunny and windy day that day.

hrmmm lets see what I saw...

numbers floating on my ceiling...
a tower made of bones with a fish head on it...
the trees dancing for me...
egyptian hyroglyphics...
and my backyard turned green.

I cant...
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hottub?! woohoo! i LOVE those things.
im at 21st and spring garden now. kind of your way, but a little too west.
mmm... chocolates... my friend gave me a hershey kiss with this weird european liquid stuff in it. he has no idea if its a dud or a strong one. well see when i get back.
my cookies are of the green kind, and not cookies anymore. i asked the hershey kiss guy for some tips [i didnt have what i wanted to make it the way i used to], and he said it would be a better idea to make tea. so i did. its still steeping. should be good!
yeah. and fuck a whole bunch of this may. damn it sucked. mad
but i don't want to be a lifer!! *cry* nah, but really. if i did move to VA it would only be a few months. then i'd have to come back to retarded university for class. i have bizzare obsession with VA.

i want a hot tub too. lucky.
I know this is a question no one can ever answer, but why on earth do alot of girls try and pick me up now that I have a girlfriend, when a year ago it wasnt happening?
me want mushrooms. chocolate ones. dammit. why dont i know any good hookups?
"prom" was at the double tree. it called the senior dinner, but there was no dinner. only cheese and crackers and lotsnlots o beer. it was like 8th grade mixed with alcohol.surreal
becaaaaaause we want to fuck up your girlfriend.
this weekend is a trip to baltimore. strange part is is Im going to stay a night with this old friend of mine that I had a 'fling' with last summer. same old story, boy and girl are friends for years, girl comes up and visits for a week or so after breaking up with another boy, boy and girl hook up, hilarity ensues. (the...
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hmm. odd indeed. that will be like me and cereal if we ever chill. the last time i saw him, we were together. now hes married. it isnt so odd anymore though, cause we broke up years ago, and hes been with his wife for a while. i hope things go well. they probably will.smile
interesting circumstances...
man, i feel like a shmoe not being able to make it down to Phillie a few weekends ago... big time money problems.
Bryn and I are gonna start planning my summer visit soon though... and i'm making this one even if it kills me.
hope all went well in baltimore. biggrin
so Im finally started to get settled into my new place... well not entirely. I have alot of things in boxes still. This usually takes me a month or two to get my 'stuff' organized. why do I like to collect so many things?

I should do it soon though, I want my boxes out of the basement so I can start practicing down there....
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hmmm.... i am a regular at locust. so thats always a safe bet. then theres fergies. they have good guinness, which you know. but youre in nortern liberties. maybe somewhere closer to you. my friend works at anthonys on 2nd and market... i think were staying with my friend [where im moving to soon] who lives on 21st and spring garden. theres tavern on the green right around the corner there. i dunno. im impartial. what do you think?
sorry honey.
id posted about my show a bunch of times, and it didnt occur o me to pass the word more thoroughly. cereal ended up not coming [$ threw a stick in the spokes, or lack thereof]. i got so busy that i didnt really have a chance to write to anyone.
me and cereal are now trying to plan his next visit, sometime this summer. i will definitely let you in on that one. sorreefrown
I hate moving... I wish there was just a way to instantly transport all your possessions to your new location. Packing, taking your furniture apart, trying not to forget things... then all of this to have to do it in reverse when I get to the new house.
Maybe I have too much stuff. I wish I could be one of those people that just...
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me too. i am moving in a little over a month. so nervous. i hate packing all of my stuff,and then having to undo it later. good luck m'dear. if ya need any help transporting, let me know. im always willing to help out.
oh poo. i missed it. sorry. would have helped. im moving to 21st and spring garden perhaps. its still up in the air. i might need help, but might not. got a bunch of hads lined up already, and not that much stuff. thanks... enjoy nolib. its a neat area.
I just got home from work... I am beat. Tonite we had a chocolate beer dinner there. The worst part about doing these beer dinners is that I end up doing alot of the work, and get tipped out the same as everyone else. I then end up going home with less money then I usually do on that day, after working so hard. ugh...
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ooo, i got mentioned in someones entry. i feel so special [you feel the sarcasm].
monks is a swanky fuckin place. never really had the bread to go there. i usually just hit the glinch or locust. maybe ill save up for when cereal and kim come down. itll be an sg dinner party. dont worry. i tip nice. and those who dont suck.
yeah, no philly right away... if you want the full details check bryn's journal, but i will be down... and thats no bull.

from liverpool to toronto is only about 3 1/2 to 4 hours. not too bad a drive. I've done a lot longer in one day before. the only difference is going to canada you have to do that wonderful inspection thing. luckily, we didn't have any trouble at all. just your routine "pop the trunk."
so the snow is all gone, and its finally getting warm out... yeah!
anyway, last tuesday we played a show at "rock tits" in tritone. it was a good show, we packed the place, people liked it... so why after all of that have I decided to quit the band???
i was at fergies too! upstairs or down? iwas upstairs. you might have missed me, but you couldnt have missed my best friend, if you were up there. shes the big tall flaming redhead. we left fergies early though. they dont serve irish carbombs. the waitress said theyre offensive. fuck this PC bullshit. racial slurrs are funny. besides. its not like they only bomb cars in ireland. we went to fados after that. sucky band, damn good carbombs. lots o guiness. i love gettin "dyke" screamed at me on the street. just cause of short hair, piercings, and walking with a girl. youd think we live out in the middle of bumblefuck. silliness. i just wanted to box last night. i ended up doing that with one of my guy friends. good times...
The three-toed sloth is a beautiful creature. It is not appreciated enough, in my opinion.
snow again, damn... this time it better not stick that well.

at least I didnt get stuck at work in it like last time.

so the other night there was a phish concert in philadelphia... me, Im not such a big fan. now I do have a few friends who are phish heads, but the kids who came into my work after the phish show...
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all in all i have to be in a particular kind of mood to listen to Phish... and there is some of their stuff i despise, but the rest isn't too bad. As to Phish Heads, they are useless and should die and stop breating my precious air. anyone who spends their lives chasing a band and selling yo-yos to buy drugs has a severe problem.
phish is just fratboy grateful dead. thats all. and organically grown hippies. with pot. and chocolate bars. ooo.... so trippy man... damn snow.
fuck snow
yes. sometimes philly sucks a nut. id love to come check your band out. id rather go to the tritone, but ive go early class [bleh] on wed, so the thurs doc watson show would probably work out better. what time? wait a minute... the 15th is a saturday!

[Edited on Feb 24, 2003]
ill probably come to the doc watson show, but, depending on my shedule [and how much i like yallsmile] i might come and see you at la tazza as weel [or at least tell my friends]

[Edited on Feb 27, 2003]
To everyone who had the luxury of having off the past few days in this east coast "blizzard of the decade", I hate you... ok not all of you... but I hate all of you that decided that since you didnt have to work, you would go to the bar and get retarded drunk until you finally had to be told to leave... well after...
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Feb 10th, and whats on my mind.
Just waking up... I cant get the buzzcocks song "I dont know what to do with my life" out of my head, and for good reason. Last year I was making really good money fixing computers, then I was laid off. Now my unemployment has almost run out. It seems I may have to get some sort of...
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I understand what you're going through.

I think I wasted around 100,000 going to law school to realize I'm not happy with it.

I'm going to try and get my degree so I can at least get something out of it, but I don't know what to do with my life.

I guess I'll just hope the black rabbit can wait a little longer so I can make my decision.
stop thinking about the future. future sucks. it's what makes life full of worries and insecurities... when you could just be enjoying what you have now (whether that be a lot of a little) the future will get here whether you think about it hard or not.

ps. go to Japan.