Hmm..what was it, like 5 years ago?
I think thats when that show was, or maybe 4 1/2?
Its really nice to talk to you again though! We'll have to stay in touch!
Holy crap... the city of philadelphia didnt burn down! I heard that live 8 was pretty chill, and everyone got along nicely. That must have been because most of philadelphia left... hahah
I heard some great stories from people (such as friends or customers in my bar) about the event.
Since there were only 500 or so porta potties for the 700,000 or so people,... Read More
Holy crap, Im updating my profile.
I dont know what to say since its been so long.
Anyone who is in or near philadelphia this weekend, please try and escape. Live 8 plus America's Birthday celebrations will raise hell on earth.
Holy shit,
I almost died on stage on friday.
I was electrocuted when I grabbed the mic at the end of our set, shocked back into the drum set, and could not let go of the mic while it electrocuted me for a good half a minute.
Everyone thought it was part of the show.
Luckily the drummer grabbed me and grounded me, and I... Read More
played a show tonite at tritone that went really really well. I messed up a few times, but I guess being in a band I can always be nitpicky about myself
no one else seemed to notice.
we made cds and tshirts that came out really well as well... people liked them.
next show is july 2nd at silk city... I want to play a... Read More
Heh. I was at Silk City with my girlfriend, some other members, and a few SG's the night of the burlesque show at the Troc....everyone got kicked out after we showed up and chaos ensued on the sidewalk! It was rad. Just a random comment. Hello, BTW.
Off to geekfest in philadelphia this morning, otherwise known as the Wizard Convention. I really hope that the Amazing Spiderdad is there again. A middle aged guy who walks around in a full spiderman suit, beer gut, and a fanny pack.
I love geek cons.
Somehow working at public schools during the day then working at a bar at night makes me feel like a super hero with a secret identity.
Though I dont know whos more childish, the kids, or the drunks.
if you are looking for a good movie to see, go see shaolin soccer.
I had been waiting about a year to see this movie, and it was fan fucking tastic.
I know, you are probably saying "how can a movie about shaolin kung fu masters playing soccer be anything but fan fucking tastic?"
But its even better than I could have imagined. If only... Read More
Too bad Halo for the PC was so crappy. Ugh...should have picked up the Xbox. ah well..
As for Oliver the 'Humanzee', thats the same ape I was talking about. Sorry...Im a Killjoy, but Oliver was genetically a regular chimp with some unusual features. Unfortunately, my 3 years of Anthro- understudy with a Primatologist will gave me way too much info. He's still a neat-o chimp, though. I've seen some great vid of him. Same with Cheetah, the Tarzan chimp. Still hoping for that proof on Sasquatch though. Giganthropithicus walking around would be WAY cool.
yesterday I watched an amazing special on discovery about Oliver, the humanzee. They believed that he was a spawn of a chimp and a man. I believe it too. He was totally cool, and hung out and watched tv, smoking cigars rather than hanging out with the other chimps. He looked like homer simpson...
Ummmmm...OK. If Im thinking of the same ape as you, he had some odd birth defect that made him look less.....chimpish. Or something of that nature. Find me a picture, and my little anthro- ass will tell if its the same ape Im' thinking of...
I don't think they worked though, I kept have stroke after stroke of bad luck.
I think thats when that show was, or maybe 4 1/2?
Its really nice to talk to you again though! We'll have to stay in touch!