I'm eager to be a terrible, terrible first date again. I went to theonion.com's personals section and looked up people in my area. They were all like 30 or above. I guess I'm well below the age at which people are supposed to need that sort of thing?
More Blogs
Monday Oct 11, 2004
I was reckless with my Swedish Fish, and now I have none. NONE! Oh wh… -
Saturday Oct 09, 2004
I express depression in the most embarrassing ways. Luckily, nobody's… -
Friday Oct 08, 2004
I am far too prone to comical pratfalls. I wish people would stop lea… -
Tuesday Oct 05, 2004
In high school, you (meaning I) just sort of assumed that being able … -
Sunday Oct 03, 2004
October can eat my ass. As luck would have it, there's an SG named Oc… -
Saturday Oct 02, 2004
Though being glum isn't, in itself, a particularly enjoyable experien… -
Thursday Sep 30, 2004
Feeling needed and wanted is one of the most unnerving sensations I h… -
Tuesday Sep 28, 2004
I pick my nose with my pinky, because I'm afraid of stretching my nos… -
Monday Sep 27, 2004
I don't wanna vote, but I'm registered. I think I'll vote on behalf o… -
Sunday Sep 26, 2004
I don't understand why some people (myself included) think that suffe…
Also, you're 19 and still a baby. I can't get a date to save my life if it makes you feel better?...