I haven't taken any meds in a week. I slept through the meeting with the person who was going to give me a prescription for refills, and I just never bothered contacting them to reschedule. No scary withdrawals, which makes me think that I hadn't been taking them long enough to be affected at all.
An unfortunate side effect of only being able to access the internet in a computer lab is the growing desire to masturbate in public. I think I'm more courteous than that, though.
Uhhmm.... or maybe not.
An unfortunate side effect of only being able to access the internet in a computer lab is the growing desire to masturbate in public. I think I'm more courteous than that, though.
Uhhmm.... or maybe not.
It never abolished all the murder thoughts I was having but made sure that I was always too tired to actually kill anyone.
And then I tried to use them to commit suicide but all that happened was that I fell asleep and then woke up in my own vomit.
So, I think that medication is fairly over-rated.
I find that you can get by on a snotty attitude and strength of will better than you can by taking any sort of medication.
And for all of the physical ailments like, cancer, aids, flu, allergies, broken limbs and bleeding orifices etc., some broccoli will clear that shit right up.