You could post your number, and then I'd call you. Hell, a real live SG might even call you and tell you to fuck a horse. God knows that that'd make my day.
Well, maybe if you had posted in the thread one would've.
Although considering I'm the only SG so far who is sufficiently a.) cavalier about divulging their contact information on the internet and b.) devoid of a social life to post, odds are it would be me. And I'm not even a "real live" SG. I'm a poser zombie.l
You could post your number, and then I'd call you. Hell, a real live SG might even call you and tell you to fuck a horse. God knows that that'd make my day.
Well, maybe if you had posted in the thread one would've.
Although considering I'm the only SG so far who is sufficiently a.) cavalier about divulging their contact information on the internet and b.) devoid of a social life to post, odds are it would be me. And I'm not even a "real live" SG. I'm a poser zombie.l
P.S. I think it would be ok for you to ask your mom, but she may reserve the right to not answer.