In high school, you (meaning I) just sort of assumed that being able to transcribe your emotions to paper somehow made you a poet. But gawd, now I know better and after having to pull three goddamn poems out of my gullet with my bare hands for the end of the poetry unit I really have no desire to write anything in fucking stanzas ever again. GOOOOOODDDDAAMNIT.
And I might get to go to Boston to see my bestest friend in the whole wide world. The animal she identifies with most is the piggie, so here's a piggie.
The animal I like most is the billy goat, but unfortunately there's no smiley for that. IT NEvER ENDS!
And I might get to go to Boston to see my bestest friend in the whole wide world. The animal she identifies with most is the piggie, so here's a piggie.
The animal I like most is the billy goat, but unfortunately there's no smiley for that. IT NEvER ENDS!
VCH stands for vertical clit hood... and I guess that's all you need to know about that