So it's 5 a.m. and I was running a fever a few hours ago, but I'm totally fucking awesome right now. But it's 5 a.m. and that's just fucking useless to me. I've just been on my ass, browsing this site while some crap downloads and my friends slowly log off AIM. I joined a bunch of groups I'll probably fail to really keep up with and accidentally deleted some guy's comment in the first entry.
Uhmmm.... I'm gonna try to go to sleep now. If I can't fall asleep, I'm sure lieing (lying or lieing? Fuck, I forgot!) down with your eyes closed is just as good.
Uhmmm.... I'm gonna try to go to sleep now. If I can't fall asleep, I'm sure lieing (lying or lieing? Fuck, I forgot!) down with your eyes closed is just as good.
I read your post in the christian forum. I wanted to reply here because I felt that a personal reply was needed.
First, it's completely untrue that you cannot change what you believe. No one is programmed with what they will believe forever; everyone is free to put faith in whatever they wish. Unfortunately, not all beliefs are created equal, and what you have heard is right: Jesus Christ is the only way to God. Salvation can be found in no other. And quite honestly, Christianity is the only belif system that even offers salvation.
You said you had beek seeking Jesus. Asking questions like what you just did is a good step, but what else have you done to seek him? Have you read any of the bible, examined the evidence concerning jesus for yourself?
I understand you have doubts, and that's good. One other thing that you should know about christianity is that by it's very nature it must have evidence and proof of it's truthfulness. God does not expect anyone to believe in him blindly, without or against reason. Christianity is a reasonable faith that is rooted in verifiable history.
Faith, as best defined, is "trusting in something you have reason to believe is true". It seems to me that you would like to have reason to believe, but you have some concerns or problems. I'm no expert, and I don't have every answer. But I have been studying religions in general and believing in christ for many years, and I'm willing to help you as best I can.
Maybe you could start with some of your questions or difficulties that you have, and we could go from there?
I really don't have a basis for my doubts. I can cite things, but even if everything I brought up was successfully refuted I doubt I'd just say, "Okey dokey, Christian now." If you're interested, you can check my livejournal. I got in a pretty extensive discussion with some guy about religion in one of my posts.