This weekend I did this :
Actually, I worked on four of these cars in total; So I am very very weary and worn out! Not to mention very sunburnt
We had a shit weekend racing-wise though. Four cars in our team out of the ten that turned up to qualify for the eight car field. And two of our cars didn't qualify, one of which was the one I mainly worked on!
But, this was largely due to it going about 15 feet on the first run and expiring in a very large fireball and kaaabooooom. There is a throttle stop device we use when the car does a burnout to warm the tires, and it kinda broke, making the engine melt lots of parts and go boom. Ah well, that's racing! If you have Sky TV, keep a watch on Eurosport and Sky Sports channels as there will likely be a programme of the race on in the next few weeks or so. You'll get to see me help the track crew push our car back to the startline to tow it away.... Hehe!
Now, I'm relaxing at home. Gonna go see the new Star Wars film tonight with Ash Karloff, should be fun. Gig in Glasgow then on Friday night at the Barfly with the Dead Pets :
doors 7.00pm
downstairs: uk deathcharge- 7.15- 7.35
upstairs: texas mother**kers 7.40- 8.10
downstairs: karloff 8.15- 8.45
upstairs: junkmans choir 8.50- 9.30
downstairs: dead pets 9.40- 10.30
finished by 10.30pm.
funhouse club on afterwards.
Do come, if you're an Edinburgh or Glasgow resident and like your horror punk!

Actually, I worked on four of these cars in total; So I am very very weary and worn out! Not to mention very sunburnt

We had a shit weekend racing-wise though. Four cars in our team out of the ten that turned up to qualify for the eight car field. And two of our cars didn't qualify, one of which was the one I mainly worked on!

Now, I'm relaxing at home. Gonna go see the new Star Wars film tonight with Ash Karloff, should be fun. Gig in Glasgow then on Friday night at the Barfly with the Dead Pets :
doors 7.00pm
downstairs: uk deathcharge- 7.15- 7.35
upstairs: texas mother**kers 7.40- 8.10
downstairs: karloff 8.15- 8.45
upstairs: junkmans choir 8.50- 9.30
downstairs: dead pets 9.40- 10.30
finished by 10.30pm.
funhouse club on afterwards.
Do come, if you're an Edinburgh or Glasgow resident and like your horror punk!

Agreed, the guys I heard talking about it were probably talking shite. Running an E36 BMW on some kind of rocket fuel? Gies a break.
Speaking of NOS, I spotted a car with a tank on the rear shelf in a car park. I nodded to the guy and made a comment about NOS and he fessed up that it's a fucking car stereo amp. It's all wrong man!