Some cretin has given me the fuckin flu
It's just coming on now, hopefully it doesn't get too bad and I can kick its ass real quick! I'm also somewhat bored... No motivation to do anything, plus it's bank holiday today, and now I feel a little crappy. So, I'm watching A.I. on DVD and messing about on the Internet. Hoooray.
Man.... I hate being bored. And especially Ill and bored

Some cretin has given me the fuckin flu

It's just coming on now, hopefully it doesn't get too bad and I can kick its ass real quick! I'm also somewhat bored... No motivation to do anything, plus it's bank holiday today, and now I feel a little crappy. So, I'm watching A.I. on DVD and messing about on the Internet. Hoooray.
Man.... I hate being bored. And especially Ill and bored

Hope you're having a good day toots