My God.
I'm working like a man possessed! Today I borrowed a big blue tractor and a biiiig blue trailer, and took a bunch of dried out hedge clippings up to the community bonfire site up the hill behind the house. Along with the remains of the Xmas tree (still with needles!), an old chest of drawers, and about three huge Rhubarb plants from the garden. I also nearly got the trailer stuck in a boggy bit, but thankfully its a big tractor with 4 wheel drive and the hill is fairly dry at the moment. I remember cutting peats for the neighbour up there years ago!
Also dug out a foundation in front of the house for a retaining wall and pathway, as well as starting digging out the end room in the house which still had an old flagstone floor underneath the thin layer of concrete. Should finish that one tomorrow. When the builder is done, it will be a full concrete floor down to the clay, with insulation and proper flooring on top. The intention is to make that into a 2nd living room, as the current one with the stove in it is kinda small!
Tomorrow I think I am going to be a proper farm-boy again; The neighbour still has some fields to sow out, so think I will be spending the day in the big blue tractor... Unless it pisses with rain!!
I'll have to try to remember how it all works... Been about 3 years since I had to run a seed drill on a tractor. I'm such a city boy these days, who'da thunkit a few years ago when I spent most of my time out of school doing something farm related! The neighbour spent most of today doing IACS forms for the farm, now there's something I don't miss about it. The bloody paperwork! I tell you, farmers work pretty fuckin hard for their money... I have a degree, and I still struggle to figure out some of the forms they have to fill in for their farm and animals.
I'm off to watch some CSI episodes I brought with me on DVD. Anyone want to buy me the Series 1-3 and Series 1 of CSI: Miami that Amazon are doing?! Pleeeeeeze?! I'd be your dog or something. Wuff!
I'm working like a man possessed! Today I borrowed a big blue tractor and a biiiig blue trailer, and took a bunch of dried out hedge clippings up to the community bonfire site up the hill behind the house. Along with the remains of the Xmas tree (still with needles!), an old chest of drawers, and about three huge Rhubarb plants from the garden. I also nearly got the trailer stuck in a boggy bit, but thankfully its a big tractor with 4 wheel drive and the hill is fairly dry at the moment. I remember cutting peats for the neighbour up there years ago!

Also dug out a foundation in front of the house for a retaining wall and pathway, as well as starting digging out the end room in the house which still had an old flagstone floor underneath the thin layer of concrete. Should finish that one tomorrow. When the builder is done, it will be a full concrete floor down to the clay, with insulation and proper flooring on top. The intention is to make that into a 2nd living room, as the current one with the stove in it is kinda small!
Tomorrow I think I am going to be a proper farm-boy again; The neighbour still has some fields to sow out, so think I will be spending the day in the big blue tractor... Unless it pisses with rain!!

I'm off to watch some CSI episodes I brought with me on DVD. Anyone want to buy me the Series 1-3 and Series 1 of CSI: Miami that Amazon are doing?! Pleeeeeeze?! I'd be your dog or something. Wuff!

I never realised tractor's had stereo's! hope gig is cool!
I brough the first couple of box sets but never got round to watching them, I like the newer ones, but alas the team have been split up!