I'm currently spending the week with my Dad while my Mum is away in Atlanta with my wee sister for a jolly. I'm about as far north on the UK mainland as you can get....! John O'Groats is but 5 miles away by road, 2.5 miles as the bird flies. Did the journey up here from sunny (not) Aberdeen in 5 hours flat, which is pretty decent for a 215 mile jaunt on roads where overtaking is tricky and there are lots of tractors/lorries/idiots. The afternoon has been spent digging a trench in the ditch by the road so my Dad can put a pipe in to take all the water and make cutting his grass and trimming the big hedge easier. Now, normally I would disappear to the farm up the road to borrow the JCB for this purpose, but on doing this I discovered it's in use elsewhere
So, pick and spade it was! 20 metres worth roughly, and most of it was haaaard going!! These hands have forgotten their farm-boy roots somewhat over the past few years, thanks to the office jobs. But, they're still tough enough
Job done in 4 hours including a short tea break, not too shabby.
Other than that, been making a foolish of the cat, also known as The Ferg, he looks like he's been scrapping with the neighbours big farm cat again. But he's dandy, the old coot. Still a big sook, and still a big bloody chancer when it comes to food or milk!!
It's been bloody grey and windy though, although at least it kept me cool while toiling in the ditch. The sea looks real mean, and there is a definate bite in the wind. Us Highlanders are born tough tho
It's nice to get a weeks break from the women toils! I'm still unsure what the heck to do there, so I think I'll stand back a little and see how it unfolds. The girl I really like got really drunk and had a big fight with her ex Saturday night, resulting in him leaving somewhat upset. She didn't seem bothered at all though
She seemed to spend most of the time she spent talking to me telling me how much her friend likes me, and how great I was for helping her move her gear out her old flat (she had a big fall out with her old flatmates and was worried they might try something. Being big has it's advantages...), but at the same time telling me how her friend "usually treats nice guys like you like shit"... ?!
Why can't it just be straightforward??
I'd *like* to have the opportunity to find out how she feels about me and to tell her I really like her, but that's kinda hard to do now it seems her friend has the hots for me and she seems to be pushing me towards that! Most people would maybe be happy to be held in high regard by two women... I'm finding it fucking crazy!
Anyway, I'm getting the impression that I moan that I don't have a girl or any female interest, and now I seem to be moaning that I have too much female interest...
Right, I'm off to fuss The Ferg. He's always appreciative

Other than that, been making a foolish of the cat, also known as The Ferg, he looks like he's been scrapping with the neighbours big farm cat again. But he's dandy, the old coot. Still a big sook, and still a big bloody chancer when it comes to food or milk!!

It's been bloody grey and windy though, although at least it kept me cool while toiling in the ditch. The sea looks real mean, and there is a definate bite in the wind. Us Highlanders are born tough tho

It's nice to get a weeks break from the women toils! I'm still unsure what the heck to do there, so I think I'll stand back a little and see how it unfolds. The girl I really like got really drunk and had a big fight with her ex Saturday night, resulting in him leaving somewhat upset. She didn't seem bothered at all though

Anyway, I'm getting the impression that I moan that I don't have a girl or any female interest, and now I seem to be moaning that I have too much female interest...

Right, I'm off to fuss The Ferg. He's always appreciative

Hope you're having lots of fun digging in the sun. Oh, and spoiling The Ferg