Man I'm tired!! I've had about 6 hours sleep in the past two nights.... Dirrrrty stop-out
Been out getting wasted and having fun, and working in the shop. Stayed at a friends place Friday and last night, she fell asleep on top of me on the couch (fully clothed) Friday and then snored in my ear for the next 3 hours before she had to go to work...
She is busy obcessing over this guy who I've known a few years, but who is basically an asshole. He treats her like a convienience store, is only interested when it comes to the end of a night out and he hasn't managed to get in about anyone else. But she raves about how good in bed he is and all that, and lets him continue to be a prick to her. Women are strange creatures.... I never cease to be amazed at how so many will go crazy over someone who is a shit to them. And in the process they also get all emotional about how they're being treated so badly! Odd. I sometimes wonder if I should start trying to be an asshole, so at least I might then get somewhere in the women stakes. But, it's basically not in my nature to treat people like shit. Curse my parents for raising me so well!!
Anyway, I'm back home now and just getting something to eat. Gonna go run a bath and relax a while, then wash my wee sisters scooter to make it all shiny and shove it out in my drive with a For Sale sign on it. Might do some other odds and sods, tidy my house a little. Lazy day today basically, I need to recover from the efforts of the last few weeks.
Have a nice day people, speak later!

Anyway, I'm back home now and just getting something to eat. Gonna go run a bath and relax a while, then wash my wee sisters scooter to make it all shiny and shove it out in my drive with a For Sale sign on it. Might do some other odds and sods, tidy my house a little. Lazy day today basically, I need to recover from the efforts of the last few weeks.
Have a nice day people, speak later!

Sounds like your weekend has been cool! Women are indeed strange, but not all want a guy who is a prick to them, or most of them learn that nice guys are the ones to have!
Your front garden is so lovely!