I just got home, it's been a long-assed day!
Said bye to my folks and went into BP this morning. The guy who is over-seeing the work was there but very ill, so he disappeared home sick at 11am. I worked through what I could until lunchtime, then headed to another company's office to fix the floppy drive in one computer and install Norton AV on another. That took like aaaaageeeeesss
It was such an old POS computer; Running Windows 98, 128MB RAM, etc. AND on a modem. So it took about 2 hours just to download all the updates and virus definitions from the Symantec site. Ugh...
Went to the shop about 4pm, did a little plumbing work with Michelle's dad, then spent some time fixing up a couple of emergency lights in the lower ground floor.
Didn't eat a thing all day until about 7pm, just didn't get the time!!
Michelle got me a Haggis supper from the nearby chip shop and a smoked sausage
Ah well, home now, gonna do absolutely fuck all I think. My folks have left me about 12 creme eggs, a big big packet of mini-eggs, a Maltesers easter egg and a kit-kat one too...!! It'll take me months to eat all that chocolate. Anyone want one? Or do I sell them on ebay....
Anyone know what's happened to ScarletNoir?? She seems to have disappeared... Maybe her subscription ran out or sumptin.
Think I'm gonna go soak in the bath... Really weary!

Said bye to my folks and went into BP this morning. The guy who is over-seeing the work was there but very ill, so he disappeared home sick at 11am. I worked through what I could until lunchtime, then headed to another company's office to fix the floppy drive in one computer and install Norton AV on another. That took like aaaaageeeeesss

Went to the shop about 4pm, did a little plumbing work with Michelle's dad, then spent some time fixing up a couple of emergency lights in the lower ground floor.
Didn't eat a thing all day until about 7pm, just didn't get the time!!

Ah well, home now, gonna do absolutely fuck all I think. My folks have left me about 12 creme eggs, a big big packet of mini-eggs, a Maltesers easter egg and a kit-kat one too...!! It'll take me months to eat all that chocolate. Anyone want one? Or do I sell them on ebay....

Anyone know what's happened to ScarletNoir?? She seems to have disappeared... Maybe her subscription ran out or sumptin.
Think I'm gonna go soak in the bath... Really weary!
I had a fab Easter!!! I didn't get any eggs though cos I'm not really into chocolate. A woman who doesn't love chocolate???