Wowzer, what a fantastic day it is today!! Really sunny and warm
My folks are on the way down here from the far north of bonnie Scotland, they should arrive in about 4 hours time or thereabouts. It takes me 5 hours (230 miles) to get up there, and they are coming down in their Moggy Minor van with my youngest sisters' scooter in the back which they want me to sell for them down here.
So, here I am with all the house windows open, internet radio cranked and about to start the obligatory pre-visit blitz on my house. Not too bad really, just gotta run the hoover round, wash the kitchen floor, and give the bathroom a scrub down. Then I'm headed into town for a while to do some work in the shop.
Hope everyone has a really killer day today, I'm in a great mood myself

My folks are on the way down here from the far north of bonnie Scotland, they should arrive in about 4 hours time or thereabouts. It takes me 5 hours (230 miles) to get up there, and they are coming down in their Moggy Minor van with my youngest sisters' scooter in the back which they want me to sell for them down here.
So, here I am with all the house windows open, internet radio cranked and about to start the obligatory pre-visit blitz on my house. Not too bad really, just gotta run the hoover round, wash the kitchen floor, and give the bathroom a scrub down. Then I'm headed into town for a while to do some work in the shop.
Hope everyone has a really killer day today, I'm in a great mood myself

and good luck reasoning with the parents about your tattoo plans... (they sound good to me though