Why is it that I nearly always end up with an odd sock in my laundry?
Where do they go to? Is my washing machine eating them? I even checked the pockets of my 501s cuz I wondered if they snuck in there in the wash! I know for a fact there were an even number when they went into the machine because I counted. Answers on a sock, people!
Got a lot done today. Got into town for half 12, changed the starter on my Sierra in 15 minutes flat in the barracks car park with just a socket set! HARDCORE! I should go on Scrapheap Challenge
Took the car into town to the new shop, and went to work. Checked the wiring I'd done yesterday while hungover (ahem), then got the two window tracks put up and working. Following that, I put the insulation down in the loft area, all 18m sq of it! Made me itch like crazy though, which is doubly sucky when you suffer eczema like meeeee....
Got a text from the Retro Rebels crew telling me they'd got me a Dwarves t-shirt at the gig in London, but I'm still annoyed I didn't have the money for the tix and flights down at the time when I now do! Another time mayhaps. I am overdue a trip to London, last time being the Ministry gig last year in Jan or Feb I think it was. Maybe later when I find myself at a loose end with some money to burn.
Came home to find moss everywhere in front of my house. Seems the neighbour decided to clean out the guttering and did my half too! He's a nice old fella, is Charlie. Must thank him next time I see him. Given the state of my gardens, he likely figured I'd never get around to doing it myself!
Studied my Holden in the garage as I was putting the washing in the machine. Figure I really should do something else to it soon. I really need to start taking the paint off. I figure if I do that and get it re-sprayed nice and quick in matt black, then it will look all new and fab and will galvanise my efforts in putting it back together again. I'd love to have it roadworthy even for the tail end of the summer! I need to start getting the bits for the engine though, and some parts shipped from Australia for it too. Soon, hopefully.
That's it really for today. Watched Psycho for a while and have been blethering (scottish for talking lots) to pretty_kitty on MSN for the past couple of hours. Gonna watch some CSI episodes on DVD now I think. I watched "Abra Cadaver" last, it was such a cool episode!!
I thought the name was neato too.

Got a lot done today. Got into town for half 12, changed the starter on my Sierra in 15 minutes flat in the barracks car park with just a socket set! HARDCORE! I should go on Scrapheap Challenge

Got a text from the Retro Rebels crew telling me they'd got me a Dwarves t-shirt at the gig in London, but I'm still annoyed I didn't have the money for the tix and flights down at the time when I now do! Another time mayhaps. I am overdue a trip to London, last time being the Ministry gig last year in Jan or Feb I think it was. Maybe later when I find myself at a loose end with some money to burn.
Came home to find moss everywhere in front of my house. Seems the neighbour decided to clean out the guttering and did my half too! He's a nice old fella, is Charlie. Must thank him next time I see him. Given the state of my gardens, he likely figured I'd never get around to doing it myself!

Studied my Holden in the garage as I was putting the washing in the machine. Figure I really should do something else to it soon. I really need to start taking the paint off. I figure if I do that and get it re-sprayed nice and quick in matt black, then it will look all new and fab and will galvanise my efforts in putting it back together again. I'd love to have it roadworthy even for the tail end of the summer! I need to start getting the bits for the engine though, and some parts shipped from Australia for it too. Soon, hopefully.
That's it really for today. Watched Psycho for a while and have been blethering (scottish for talking lots) to pretty_kitty on MSN for the past couple of hours. Gonna watch some CSI episodes on DVD now I think. I watched "Abra Cadaver" last, it was such a cool episode!!

Lots to do though, so I gotta run! New shop is supposed to open on the 1st April, sooooo much still to do! There's gonna have to be a few evenings working done to finish it on time.
Hope everyone slept well and has a great day