I'm wasting away, and know that if Taylor doesn't feel comfortable leaving my daughter in my care, then there is nothing I can do other then take her to court, and drag my beautiful innocent daughter through a ugly court battle, and that isn't something she deserves to be put through. So now I'm stuck in a hamster wheel scenario where on one hand I...
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Well getting into mental health is harder then it sounds. There's a waiting period where I'm from, and I'm on a stupid list. Its just getting worse for me until I get help. But I'm still alive, I lost a friend the other day to overdose of fentinyl which is what all the junkies are moving to from heroin which I refuse to start doing....
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so many bridges burnt, so many lies told, i'm feel alone, because i am, i can't stop putting this stuff into my body, when i say i'm done, i'm too weak to follow through with it, everyone is tired of me, and i don't blame them. I'm just a burden in everyone's life, i'm afraid of making new friends because i will just end up...
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I'm so mad at myself! it seems whenever everything is going smoothly something happens that just throws my whole day in the trash. Gwaaah!!! now i feel like i'm going to eat my fingernails off everyone of my fingers, i can't sleep, and i'm in a pretty shitty mood, all because i left my electronic communication device in someones car? something isn't right with this....
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I feel like my life has shattered to the point that even the drugs im addicted to can't numb the loneliness and sorrow that my life is drowning in. I'm not looking for sympathy, or anything from anyone. i just need to get this all down so that i can read it later...