It's March? Already? When did that happen? Ah, well. Another month, another morning where I really can't be bothered with moving. I've gotten really lazy of late. I'll need to get myself out of the house today so at least it <i>looks</i> like I'm being a good Catholic girl to my gran (Ash Wednesday, y'know). I think I know what I MAY be giving up...
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kiss kiss kiss biggrin
i think the red hair's nice, but the black would look good too! not that this comment helps at all so i apologise!

So, yes. I think I like this place a lot. I'm not gay- not exactly bi, either- but I did have my brief adventures as a younger woman, and I appreciate the beauty of members of my gender. I applied to become a SuicideGirl the other day myself, actually. It was really just as a bit of a laugh. As I said previously, I've just...
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Hopefully the combination of silly shoes and free drinks didn't do you in.
You're in SG Scotland now, I hope it gives you everything you dream of.
So, here I am. Money well spent? Let's see. Anyway, I'll introduce myself. My name is Roberta, but I'm more commonly known as Rob. I'm 24, I live just outside Glasgow and I'm getting over a nasty, abusive relationship. And I feel great. I bought this membership as a means of...recovery? Does that sound weird? I don't care.
There are some pretty girls on here....
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welcome to sg. smile
HI how are you?? me and imyourgod are friends so i thought i would hit you for a request smile