I see you've applied to join the SuicideGirls Motorcycle Club. If you decide not to leave SG, here's what to do to join.
Please have a current member who knows you vouch for you in my journal. If you don't know a current member who'll vouch for you, please write a note in my journal about what you ride, how long you've been riding, etc. All I ask is something to assure me that you're for real.
The 28th is your birthday, innit?
Happy Birthday, hope you have such a good time that you can't remember a thing, but you wake up with that feeling that you had a grrrreat time.
Please have a current member who knows you vouch for you in my journal. If you don't know a current member who'll vouch for you, please write a note in my journal about what you ride, how long you've been riding, etc. All I ask is something to assure me that you're for real.
Happy Birthday, hope you have such a good time that you can't remember a thing, but you wake up with that feeling that you had a grrrreat time.