Today I stareted learning German on My own. ANYONE want to converse with me over the phone so I can get better let me know.
Talked an exgirlfriend of mine this week.... Brought up some "interesting" times in my life.
Will I?
Just a kiss was all you said,
where do we go from here?
The music plays...our bodies
dance together to the beat.
Time has stopped for both.
We dance our dance, and
in the warmth we become one.
Maybe we shouldn't.
Is it too late?
We've gone too far,
But not far enough.
This must be too good to be true.
I want this night to last forever,
but I know you will leave soon.
I want to see you again,
Will I?
For Sara L.

Talked an exgirlfriend of mine this week.... Brought up some "interesting" times in my life.
Will I?
Just a kiss was all you said,
where do we go from here?
The music plays...our bodies
dance together to the beat.
Time has stopped for both.
We dance our dance, and
in the warmth we become one.
Maybe we shouldn't.
Is it too late?
We've gone too far,
But not far enough.
This must be too good to be true.
I want this night to last forever,
but I know you will leave soon.
I want to see you again,
Will I?
For Sara L.
hehe cute comment hon. Thanks for raising your hand.

*lunna raises both hands* earlier today..for the last hour tha hands have been down. MMMM..chinese food..yeah that would be rad.