I needed to get a physical for my SCUBA class this week. Since I have asthma the the scuba people would not let me take the class without a doctor signing off on it. Took me about a half hour of calling around to find places around my side of town that had an opening today, finally found one that would only charge me $72.00 for a doctors appointment. When I finally get done with the physical the doctor refuses to sign off on my permission slip because my lung capacity is lower than average. (Had to blow into a machine that would figure out my lung capacity) I asked him to do another one or two and see if that is the case in for an average. He refused to do so. Basically told me he wouldnt put himself at risk. So I am now out of the scuba class with no hope of getting signed off to attend the class unless I go see a pulmonary specialist and get tested there. $300.00 just to see not even with the tests - JUST TO GET IN THE FUCKING DOOR TO SEE THE GUY. (Didnt do it TOO expensive at this time.)
So I then decided that since I have the rest of the day to do nothing I might as well get that pesky tail pipe fixed on my car. (Basically rusted thru and needs to get replaced.) When the guy gets the car raised and checks everything out he comes over and asks me to come out to the vehicle. Not only is the tail pipe rusted thru but the muffler and the rear frame is completely rusted thru. The guy says he has never seen a car that is so rusted thru with the tail end of the car still attached. The only thing that is holding the tail end of the car on is the passenger side brace, the driver side back brace is completely rusted thru. He then asked me if I have been having power problems with the car? I say yeah, he points out that the cadillac converter is shot and that the rest of the pipe for the exhaust needs to be replaces since that will also rusting thru soon. The total estament for this is about $260.00 and that is not including getting braces for the back of the car.
When I was leaving the garage the guy tells me to stay away from pot wholes, rough roads and big women since my back end of my car cannot handle it. (I think he was trying to be funny)
And that is the only things that are wrong with the under carriage, not talking about the brakes, fuel pump, and lord knows what else if I would let them take a closer look. So what do you guys think Time for me to look for a new used car/truck/bike?
Knowing my luck Ill got out tonight and meet some woman and get some STD.
So I then decided that since I have the rest of the day to do nothing I might as well get that pesky tail pipe fixed on my car. (Basically rusted thru and needs to get replaced.) When the guy gets the car raised and checks everything out he comes over and asks me to come out to the vehicle. Not only is the tail pipe rusted thru but the muffler and the rear frame is completely rusted thru. The guy says he has never seen a car that is so rusted thru with the tail end of the car still attached. The only thing that is holding the tail end of the car on is the passenger side brace, the driver side back brace is completely rusted thru. He then asked me if I have been having power problems with the car? I say yeah, he points out that the cadillac converter is shot and that the rest of the pipe for the exhaust needs to be replaces since that will also rusting thru soon. The total estament for this is about $260.00 and that is not including getting braces for the back of the car.
When I was leaving the garage the guy tells me to stay away from pot wholes, rough roads and big women since my back end of my car cannot handle it. (I think he was trying to be funny)
And that is the only things that are wrong with the under carriage, not talking about the brakes, fuel pump, and lord knows what else if I would let them take a closer look. So what do you guys think Time for me to look for a new used car/truck/bike?
Knowing my luck Ill got out tonight and meet some woman and get some STD.