I have some very unworthy friends. Since I have been in this city I have helped four people move. BUT when I need help and ask then they cannot do it.
I forgot the general rules of this city! "What have you done for me lately? What can you do for me?' Mostly it is what you can do for me.
It is a good thing that I am already BITTER or I would be rather upset about this. I know my roommate and I can handle this but it would have been nice to have some help. oNLY GOOD THING THAT CAME OUT OF THIS: I found out where I stand with people I used to call friends.
Fuck it. I am bitter and a little hostile toward these people. Fuck em!
I forgot the general rules of this city! "What have you done for me lately? What can you do for me?' Mostly it is what you can do for me.
It is a good thing that I am already BITTER or I would be rather upset about this. I know my roommate and I can handle this but it would have been nice to have some help. oNLY GOOD THING THAT CAME OUT OF THIS: I found out where I stand with people I used to call friends.
Fuck it. I am bitter and a little hostile toward these people. Fuck em!

wow-that was quit the narrowing down to my journal entry. Ok, you can have her and I get Snow White. Sweet.