Getting ready to move to the other side of town, from the far south east to the far North West side of Las Vegas. A friend of mine bought a house and asked me if I wanted to move in with him.
Looking forward to the bigger place and the nicer accommodations, once he gets done with the place but I am not looking forward to the actual move. Yeah the moving of furniture, the beds, couches, computer, stereos, and of course all of the or small brick-n-brack. Okay I just had to get that WINING out of me. I am actually really pumped about it. I should be in the new place by Tuesday of next week.
Yeah for me. I will post pictures once the place is set up..
Looking forward to the bigger place and the nicer accommodations, once he gets done with the place but I am not looking forward to the actual move. Yeah the moving of furniture, the beds, couches, computer, stereos, and of course all of the or small brick-n-brack. Okay I just had to get that WINING out of me. I am actually really pumped about it. I should be in the new place by Tuesday of next week.
Yeah for me. I will post pictures once the place is set up..

West Side!!!! ha don't you love how a couple years ago Westside was the BAD part of town. North Town was Bad the North West side is the best place? Whats up with that?

Don't do it man, two words. Rainbow curve! I live south, like silverado ranch and I love it. I have live on both sides of town and I don't want to leave my hood. Problem is NW is actually cheaper and you get more house for the $. Maybe I'll just stay where I am.