Happy 2 free Tacos at Jack n Box....Hoorah!
Stone Cold Ice Cream had free samples of their new 8-layer Ice cream cake.
It was very nice.
Went to the movies on Monday early. Watched Unstoppable. It was great movie. Great story line and movie moved just like the speed train....very fast.
49ers won.....Patriots won....so I was very pleased for this past weekend of football.
Nothing more to report
Stone Cold Ice Cream had free samples of their new 8-layer Ice cream cake.
It was very nice.
Went to the movies on Monday early. Watched Unstoppable. It was great movie. Great story line and movie moved just like the speed train....very fast.
49ers won.....Patriots won....so I was very pleased for this past weekend of football.
Nothing more to report
mmmmm free food
thanks honey