Well, today I honor my brothers and sisters at arms.
For all those who serve, I salute you. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. We all placed our lives in harms way the moment we took the oath and dressed in that uniform.
For all those brave souls who are still in the thick of fighting, stay tough, keep your head down, and let your aim be true.
I did my service many years ago at a different era and the world was so much different.
I began my time in the US Army on July 7, 1986 and concluded my time February 24, 1996.
Served in Germany and witnessed the Berlin Wall being brought down, participated during Desert Shield/Storm, and supported the mission in Somalia in 1993.
I loved every moment and I hold very little contempt towards my service unlike many others.
I have one picture that has survived the many moves and changes in my life.
To all those sacrificed their lives while in uniform, I salute you and honor you.
To my Grandfather who served with honor for 20 years and fought hard during World War 2 and the Korean Conflict. I miss you and honor you.

For all those who serve, I salute you. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and Coast Guard. We all placed our lives in harms way the moment we took the oath and dressed in that uniform.
For all those brave souls who are still in the thick of fighting, stay tough, keep your head down, and let your aim be true.
I did my service many years ago at a different era and the world was so much different.
I began my time in the US Army on July 7, 1986 and concluded my time February 24, 1996.
Served in Germany and witnessed the Berlin Wall being brought down, participated during Desert Shield/Storm, and supported the mission in Somalia in 1993.
I loved every moment and I hold very little contempt towards my service unlike many others.
I have one picture that has survived the many moves and changes in my life.

To all those sacrificed their lives while in uniform, I salute you and honor you.
To my Grandfather who served with honor for 20 years and fought hard during World War 2 and the Korean Conflict. I miss you and honor you.

thanks for your service hun!