The last of the summer hoorah is upon us.
Sunshine, cloudless skies, crowded beaches, lakes, and concerts auditoriums are listed on our calanders
I can feel the summer the heat pour over my body without mercy.
It supplies me buckets filled with lust, desire, and passon.
What more can I ask to see so many lovely women in there summer gear. Itty bitty bikinis, shorts, shorts, and skimpy tops. Their skins are lovely bronzed from being under the sun all day long.
Now, my glass is filled with 151 and frozen lemonade and I watch the bodies sway with the rhythm of the music. Booties pop and breasts jiggle with the bump and grind of those lovely women on the dance floor.
Yes, the weekend is filled with the grill filled with savory steaks, mouth-watering burgers, tasty brauts, and many other fixings to go along with a typical BBQ. The cooler is filled with so much beer, sodas, and water bottles. A fifth of Jack, Patron, and Bracardi are ready to be consumed.
My mind is loving each minute, hour, and day of these summer days.
My body touches a woman and the pain goes away. Our lips locked in a passionate kiss and our arms embrace each other like there is no end. I taste her like sweet honey dripping on to my tongue. I can love her like no other can. I am deep inside her, feeling her quivering body in shivering in exctasy. Her organisms are lovely the ignite the nights a blaze.
When the sun rises we awake in each other embrace and begin with a kiss and sweet lovemaking. We share a shower to cleanse our sex away but end up having more the same from the previous night sessions.
I am not myself lately. But that is all right, living life and breathing the best what it offers.
I am doing all those things that please me.
I will go to my end with a smile upon my lips and my soul with have no regrets and my mind is liberated from the pain.
Yes, I need this and summer provides it all till the season brings the cold and everything dies.
Sunshine, cloudless skies, crowded beaches, lakes, and concerts auditoriums are listed on our calanders
I can feel the summer the heat pour over my body without mercy.
It supplies me buckets filled with lust, desire, and passon.
What more can I ask to see so many lovely women in there summer gear. Itty bitty bikinis, shorts, shorts, and skimpy tops. Their skins are lovely bronzed from being under the sun all day long.
Now, my glass is filled with 151 and frozen lemonade and I watch the bodies sway with the rhythm of the music. Booties pop and breasts jiggle with the bump and grind of those lovely women on the dance floor.
Yes, the weekend is filled with the grill filled with savory steaks, mouth-watering burgers, tasty brauts, and many other fixings to go along with a typical BBQ. The cooler is filled with so much beer, sodas, and water bottles. A fifth of Jack, Patron, and Bracardi are ready to be consumed.
My mind is loving each minute, hour, and day of these summer days.
My body touches a woman and the pain goes away. Our lips locked in a passionate kiss and our arms embrace each other like there is no end. I taste her like sweet honey dripping on to my tongue. I can love her like no other can. I am deep inside her, feeling her quivering body in shivering in exctasy. Her organisms are lovely the ignite the nights a blaze.
When the sun rises we awake in each other embrace and begin with a kiss and sweet lovemaking. We share a shower to cleanse our sex away but end up having more the same from the previous night sessions.
I am not myself lately. But that is all right, living life and breathing the best what it offers.
I am doing all those things that please me.
I will go to my end with a smile upon my lips and my soul with have no regrets and my mind is liberated from the pain.
Yes, I need this and summer provides it all till the season brings the cold and everything dies.

im slightly disappointed in myself.. im still as ghostly pale as when the summer started. oh well. some of us just arent meant to be tan.