This weekend we honor the birth of our country. 234 years of being a free land and a place of opporuntiy.
No matter your politics or your view on our nation's polices. This is still the greatest nation conceived that the world has known for many generations.
We honor our dead who gave their best so we can have the lives that we have now to enjoy in this country.
Men like myself continue to do our best even not in our uniforms from the military service but we serve our country and all of her ideals.
I cherish my freedom and the life that I choose to live.
I hope everyone takes a moment during their celebrations, drink, food, music, beaches, lakes, and parks. The fireworks shows.
Take time to say Thank you for having a country like ours
God bless you and the United States of America.

No matter your politics or your view on our nation's polices. This is still the greatest nation conceived that the world has known for many generations.
We honor our dead who gave their best so we can have the lives that we have now to enjoy in this country.
Men like myself continue to do our best even not in our uniforms from the military service but we serve our country and all of her ideals.
I cherish my freedom and the life that I choose to live.
I hope everyone takes a moment during their celebrations, drink, food, music, beaches, lakes, and parks. The fireworks shows.
Take time to say Thank you for having a country like ours
God bless you and the United States of America.

I am back! Some kind soul bought me a friendship for the next 3 months so I'm saving to pay for the year!
I hope to chat with you again soon!