Happy Hump Day.....This blog may be a bit long since there is so much on my mind today.
Yesterday at work, there was a moment that my true calling life seem to illuminate before me.
A woman who resides at the Condo complex that I patrol approached my patrol vehicle stating that her daughter of 23 years old had "run" away from home but was still in the complex. She had a week previously attempted to commit suicide. She was hospitalized and had signed an aggreement not to harm her self.
Well, I assisted her in locating her daughter which I did. Then I managed to convince the daughter to return home. The mother contacted suicide hotline number that she was given. At first she was given the run around on the phone. I then took the phone spoke with the councelor about the situation. The daughter spoke with the lady and the family then transported her to the hospital again.
At the end. All things worked out. I felt really good about what transpired. My training, experance, and skills with people really was well used at that moment.
I write a lot in a journal which I have about 20 + collection of journals. Many of these journals are filled with poetry and prose writings. This is my way trying to figure out what is happening in my life and the things that I witness around my life too.
Here is a bit of a prose that I began to write these few days. A rough draft per say. But power thoughts that have come to me.
Inspired by Memorial Day.
There are days that I have a certain degree of uncertainly. Yet, very deep in my being things stir, yearn, and burn powerfully. Many years ago at the peak of my prime youthfullness, I chosen to become a Warrior (soldier). At the age of 17, I took my first Oath and signed my first contract with the United States of America government.
A decade later, I gave it all in my service to this country.
When I went for my entry basic training, this was the first moments that I was going to forge my soul into a warrior (soldier) soul. In the crucible of training and many years later on the battlefield, my warrior's soul was formed.
I had chosen to voluntarily enter this fire. A blaze that could have destroyed me yet I managed to survive. As each passing day, week, month, and years pass and every blow of the hammer served to shape my being. Every drop of water wrung out me managed to temper and strengthen my will and soul. My mind, body, and soul became a sharpen instrument of war. Here I was everything and nothing at all.
Here my life was being fulfilled.
Well, this is all for now. I have several pages. But here was a sample of the deep thoughts that I had to write about.
Till next time, same bat channel, and same bat time!

Yesterday at work, there was a moment that my true calling life seem to illuminate before me.
A woman who resides at the Condo complex that I patrol approached my patrol vehicle stating that her daughter of 23 years old had "run" away from home but was still in the complex. She had a week previously attempted to commit suicide. She was hospitalized and had signed an aggreement not to harm her self.
Well, I assisted her in locating her daughter which I did. Then I managed to convince the daughter to return home. The mother contacted suicide hotline number that she was given. At first she was given the run around on the phone. I then took the phone spoke with the councelor about the situation. The daughter spoke with the lady and the family then transported her to the hospital again.
At the end. All things worked out. I felt really good about what transpired. My training, experance, and skills with people really was well used at that moment.
I write a lot in a journal which I have about 20 + collection of journals. Many of these journals are filled with poetry and prose writings. This is my way trying to figure out what is happening in my life and the things that I witness around my life too.
Here is a bit of a prose that I began to write these few days. A rough draft per say. But power thoughts that have come to me.
Inspired by Memorial Day.
There are days that I have a certain degree of uncertainly. Yet, very deep in my being things stir, yearn, and burn powerfully. Many years ago at the peak of my prime youthfullness, I chosen to become a Warrior (soldier). At the age of 17, I took my first Oath and signed my first contract with the United States of America government.
A decade later, I gave it all in my service to this country.
When I went for my entry basic training, this was the first moments that I was going to forge my soul into a warrior (soldier) soul. In the crucible of training and many years later on the battlefield, my warrior's soul was formed.
I had chosen to voluntarily enter this fire. A blaze that could have destroyed me yet I managed to survive. As each passing day, week, month, and years pass and every blow of the hammer served to shape my being. Every drop of water wrung out me managed to temper and strengthen my will and soul. My mind, body, and soul became a sharpen instrument of war. Here I was everything and nothing at all.
Here my life was being fulfilled.
Well, this is all for now. I have several pages. But here was a sample of the deep thoughts that I had to write about.
Till next time, same bat channel, and same bat time!