This blog is dedicated for all those who sent me birthday wishes.
I was very touched, and thank you very much.
Simple things like that I enjoy a lot.
For all those who are having birthdays in the Month of June.
Well, it is a great month.
The begining of summer.
Sunny days to welcome the day of your birth.
Gemini zodiac sign is very cool.
Two of everything.
Well, thank you all again
I had a great day. Not much in gifts but the kind words were great.
Cheers to everyone!

I was very touched, and thank you very much.
Simple things like that I enjoy a lot.
For all those who are having birthdays in the Month of June.
Well, it is a great month.
The begining of summer.
Sunny days to welcome the day of your birth.
Gemini zodiac sign is very cool.
Two of everything.
Well, thank you all again
I had a great day. Not much in gifts but the kind words were great.
Cheers to everyone!

happy belated bday to another JuneBaby!!
i find being a gemini a ecstatic yet torturous exhistance. two sides. to everything. we need to have balence.