DVD Tuesday Hooray!
June is here and Summer time is upon us. School is out for the kids in a couple of weeks.
Time sure flies and seasons passed into each other so swiftly.
My birthday is less than 16 days, a mile-stone in itself....the BIG 40.
Four decades living upon this planet called earth.
Still seeking things, still learning, and stilll having fun.
I am bit grayer and thicker around the waist but my heart still beats a youthful strength.
Work is plenty and school is challenging enough.
Still single and still without children.
My nieces and nephew fill that void for now.
I still dream dreams that are larger than life since I have fullfilled many of the old dreams.
The sun seems to shine a bit brighter these days.
I can feel the warmth of it's rays upon my skin.
I feel so alive with it all filling my hopes with new aspirations and dreams become more vivid.
Thanks to everyone here @ SG. Your friendships and kind words are wonderful and I am very grateful for it all.
Hugs and kissses from California, Centeral Coast-Monterey-Carmel area.
June is here and Summer time is upon us. School is out for the kids in a couple of weeks.
Time sure flies and seasons passed into each other so swiftly.
My birthday is less than 16 days, a mile-stone in itself....the BIG 40.
Four decades living upon this planet called earth.
Still seeking things, still learning, and stilll having fun.
I am bit grayer and thicker around the waist but my heart still beats a youthful strength.
Work is plenty and school is challenging enough.
Still single and still without children.
My nieces and nephew fill that void for now.
I still dream dreams that are larger than life since I have fullfilled many of the old dreams.
The sun seems to shine a bit brighter these days.
I can feel the warmth of it's rays upon my skin.
I feel so alive with it all filling my hopes with new aspirations and dreams become more vivid.
Thanks to everyone here @ SG. Your friendships and kind words are wonderful and I am very grateful for it all.
Hugs and kissses from California, Centeral Coast-Monterey-Carmel area.
happy b day fellow gemini.