During those long drives home after work. I have normal routine of driving to my PO box for a mail check and then I head home. During this time, I take time to puff one of my premium cigars. I puff on the rich aromatic plumes of smoke that circle about my person. My thoughts become long and very deep from over four decades of living.
I could only really say that those first decade of adulthood which was in parallel to my decade of service in the US Army were the best and happiest of my life. Now, I am only in my prolong waiting for my grave and that long slumber.
Reflecting upon what happens to one’s life. Like those ancient sword-makers. They work under the brutal furnace heat. The pounding of the raw metal and the fire burned out the impurities. The metal is folded and pounded some more. Thrust ed into the fire again, and again. After the metal is polished and sharpen to the finest blade.
My step-father was a harsh disciplinary man. Began the sledge-hammer blows against my metal. Then my peers and cauldron of life pours into the fire and the hammers wrings my sweat with each blow. I was forged through the fires of the military training. Life did her part. My metal continue to take the blow and I continue to be wrung with the streaming of sweat. Some blood has been shed but I continue to be honed. With each year I am become more polished and my edge is razor sharp. My words can be crass but it has it moments of polished man. I do have a bit of a poetic charm.
So now I reflect and I write. I get lost in a bottle of good 12 year old single malt scotch whiskey or a nice bottle of Jameson Irish whiskey. Box of nice cigars and the key board to my laptop to pour my thoughts out.
I guess this is the new adventure through a series of writings.
Cheers !!