For the past 3 to 4 years, my state of California has been in a severe drought. But it seems that we will be hit hard this coming autumn and winter with El Nino rain storms.
There is beauty in the power in a thunderstorm. I love the sound of the grumble and rumble in the sky. Since I served as a Fire Control Specialist in the Field Artillery. The thunder clap of the artillery rounds exploding in the distance is a wonderful sound that I learned to appreciate. But when mother’s natures version, there nothing to compare.
Last night, a Thunderstorm blew into my area and I loved it. The power went out and I concluded my final preparation for work using only my lamp that I use for camping. As I was loading my truck, the sky lit up beautifully, and then rumble of the thunder could be heard. My heart began to beat a thunderous beat and my body awaken to a new aliveness. My mind it races and my eye danced with excitement. As I drove towards my job, the lighting continue to display it’s brilliant show.
Yes, I would give up all the sunshine and hot weather for these golden thunderstorms. To enjoy with a bottle of good Irish Whiskey and a nice cigar, to loose myself in a book or two. The only the sounds of the storm outside would fill my home. I would leave the windows open so the blinds dance with wind as it blows about outside. The lights are off and only the candles are lit to give the perfect eerie scenes to enjoy. I can live for days like this.
I lift up my voice to the heavens with a prayer upon my lips for relief from this drought. Bring on the rain and let it soak my soul.