So here we are in the middle of the week....Happy Hump day.
I am caught in a rift of all things Irish. Have drank my share of Jameson Irish whiskey and have been fill my mind with variations of the Celtic music from the classic and modern mixtures. Catching parts of the Riverdance show on YouTube.
Then there is one dancer on the show that dance 2 solo. Gillian Norris, she played "Morrighan, The Temptress". Stunning, beautiful and oh so fluid in her movements. The music, beer, whiskey, and the women, makes me swoon in delight that is all things Irish.
In my blood runs a bit of Irish which is meshed with Spanish stock with a mixture of Mexican. Born to be a drunk and brawler.
I made a damn good soldier for those 10 years of my prime youth.
Then I discovered a South African violinist, Caitlin DeVille, another stunning beauty with talent beyond talent.
I have the violin on the brain now.