so it's been over a month since i blogged. i just don't get here as much these days. would love to be more active [& be shooting more], but cannot find the time. things may change soon, but i'm kept busy being mr. mom at times and trying to keep up with other priorities.
hope you're all doing supergood and we connect more soon
be sure to check out the sets i shot that are in MR. Pebbles_ has one right here and you can view Amoxi's set by clicking on these words. give 'em some well-deserved love, y'all!
p.s. i'm on the facebook [as if i need another online community to keep up with!] if anyone's so inclined
hope you're all doing supergood and we connect more soon
be sure to check out the sets i shot that are in MR. Pebbles_ has one right here and you can view Amoxi's set by clicking on these words. give 'em some well-deserved love, y'all!

p.s. i'm on the facebook [as if i need another online community to keep up with!] if anyone's so inclined
march 7th, 9 pm, Comet cafe
please come!!