figured it was time to refresh the b.log :
posted some images here of the same chica that was in my last update . i think she used to be an SG, but is currently off the site completely !?
in less than a month i'll be a father ! so insane and crazy to think about that . gonna be busy busy and completely ecstatic about life
have a bunch of people i'd like to shoot asap, too . very excited about this and i'm going to do all i can to make it happen . recently shot two weddings that'll keep me in front of a computer screen for a while . hoping to update soon and i just found an image that shows the difference i'm looking for : currently editing on a 12" PowerBook, but looking to buy a 24" iMac : sorta like this situation !
finally got an IM address - you can peep my ProPro for skinny on that . just trying to keep connected to you fine peoples .
not sure what else is worth mentioning . we're replacing cement in our backyard and hope to put a patio in . since we're not selling our house, we're making it our own and a little nicer for the next guys . also just had to replace the central air . great timing w/a wife that's 9 mos. pregnant in the summer
reese's pieces
posted some images here of the same chica that was in my last update . i think she used to be an SG, but is currently off the site completely !?
in less than a month i'll be a father ! so insane and crazy to think about that . gonna be busy busy and completely ecstatic about life

have a bunch of people i'd like to shoot asap, too . very excited about this and i'm going to do all i can to make it happen . recently shot two weddings that'll keep me in front of a computer screen for a while . hoping to update soon and i just found an image that shows the difference i'm looking for : currently editing on a 12" PowerBook, but looking to buy a 24" iMac : sorta like this situation !

finally got an IM address - you can peep my ProPro for skinny on that . just trying to keep connected to you fine peoples .
not sure what else is worth mentioning . we're replacing cement in our backyard and hope to put a patio in . since we're not selling our house, we're making it our own and a little nicer for the next guys . also just had to replace the central air . great timing w/a wife that's 9 mos. pregnant in the summer

reese's pieces
Regarding The Format, I only have the most recent two and there is one I really like but I don't have. I'm drawing a blank on names right now. I am so jealous that you got to see them! I hope Nate decides to start up his own thing because I would love to see him but that is for my own jealous reasons....
so you coming to the gathering, unless youre like, being a dad or whatever. cool. i hope i dont look like a douchebag by not recognizing anyone... see you there!